Here we are collecting videos which our members have found interesting and inspiring
Recommended by Helen
Over forty years ago, the publication of ‘The End of Nature’ popularized a topic that was then largely unfamiliar to the general public.
The book’s author, Bill McKibben, brought the subject of global warming to light and has advocated for climate solutions ever since. In this #EarthDay special on environmental protection, he talks about the oil industry's PR campaign, how renewable energies can not only help the planet but also curb power abuse, and why global warming is an urgent matter that can only be solved if all generations work together.
To whom do we pray in the time of need? A questioner wants to know how he can reconcile his idea of prayer – that he is praying to someone – with the non-dual understanding that there is no distinction between subject and object.
recommended by Helen
Presented by Contemplative Outreach, these are the opening talks in an enrichment weekend by Fr. Richard Rohr and Fr. Thomas Keating, recorded Sept. 29, 2007 in Houston, TX.
Recommended by Helen
A talk by Austen Ivereigh on the Synod on Communion, Participation and Mission, and his participation in the Synod process including the assembly in Rome in October 2023.
Recommended by Helen
We also invite you to visit where you will find out more about three Liverpool Prophets, Revv Kevin Kelly, Tom Cullinan and Austin Smith CP.
Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe sing The Blessing, based on Numbers 6: 24-26
Debbie sent all of us this blessing for 2024
A song, suggested by Ann, with our American Companions in mind for Thanksgiving 2023
Michael Centore, Today's American Catholic magazine, talks to Virginia Saldanha about her life, experience and vision for a local community
Austen Ivereigh shares his experience of the recent Synod Assembly in Rome
Matthew Fox, author, theologian, and activist priest, has been calling people of spirit and conscience into the Creation Spirituality lineage for over 50 years.
Brian Grogan SJ led the second session of the Scottish Laity Network;s Towards a Synodal Church
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